Allen Creek Elementary School

Allen Creek PTSA Co-Chair– Laura Linder
Allen Creek PTSA Co-Chair– Sarah Baker
Welcome to Allen Creek Elementary School! This page is designed to help families, new to the Pittsford School District, quickly acclimate to the school. We hope you find it helpful and welcome suggestions for adding information for parents.
In addition to any information provided here, please reference the Parent-Student Handbook for Allen Creek Elementary.
About ACE
Allen Creek Elementary School is often referred to as ACE; it is the smallest of the 5 elementary schools in the district, with about 340-370 students in grades K-5. Most grade levels have 3 classes.
Useful phone numbers
ACE Main Number: 585-267-1200
Health Office: 585-267-1240
Bus Garage: 585-267-1480
Attendance Line: 585-267-1209
If your child is going to be absent from school, you must report it through the attendance line.
Websites and Information
This is the ACE PTSA website. The Pittsford Central School District website is maintained independently, although they do share ideas and link to each other.
The District PTSA website and the ACE PTSA website are maintained by the Pittsford PTSA volunteers and provides information about PTSA sponsored programs, as well as helpful information about our school.
The District website is maintained by District employees and focuses on district information.
Stay informed with school and district E-News and Updates. Bookmark these pages for quick reference:
It is recommended that you register for the following PTSA E-News, which is available here.
Room Reps
Each classroom has two volunteer PTSA Room Reps. Be sure to complete the Allen Creek Student Contact Information sheet to receive communication from your class Room Reps.
Volunteer Opportunities
Occasionally there may be opportunities to volunteer in your child's classroom. This is class specific and depends on grade level and teacher. The Room Reps will share information about volunteer opportunities. If you are unsure who your child's Room Reps are, contact the PTSA chair.
There are also opportunities to volunteer for PTSA sponsored events and programs, such as leading or assisting with After School Enrichments (ASE), helping with the PTSA Super Sale, and other PTSA sponsored events . Read the ACE E-news and e-mails from the Room Reps to learn more about these opportunities.
Pick up and Drop Off
Parents/guardians are required to sign their children into and out of the building at the front desk if they did not arrive by bus. Park your car in the parking lot and enter through the main doors of the school. Do NOT park in the bus loop.
4th and 5th graders are allowed to walk to and from school, if they have a permission slip on file with the school main office.
Note: Official start time is 8:40am; if your child arrives at school after 8:40am, they will be considered tardy.
School Lunches
Students can pack a lunch, buy a lunch with cash, or money can be added to a lunch “debit” card. Lunch cards are kept at school and handed out when a student buys lunch. To put money on this card, visit the My School Bucks website.
Recess is FIRST, then lunch. Lunch begins about 20 minutes after the start of recess. Lunch lasts approximately 20 minutes.
Kindergarten Recess begins at 10:35am
Grade 1 Recess begins at 11:00am
Grade 2 Recess begins at 11:25am
Grade 3 Recess begins at 11:50am
Grade 4 Recess begins at 12:15pm
Grade 5 Recess begins at 12:40pm
PTSA Membership
ACE’s PTSA is very active in organizing/supporting many programs at ACE and throughout the district. Membership is customizable for your family needs, and starts as low as $8 for a student membership and $17 for an adult membership. Visit the online Membership Registration page to see the many programs supported by PTSA.
You are not committing to attending meetings or volunteering for a committee when paying dues. You are simply helping PTSA raise the money that is used to support many things for our children.
After School Enrichment Program (ASEP)
ACE has an active After School Enrichment Program (ASEP). Only ACE students can attend ACE ASEP activities. To view programs and register, visit the ASEP page.
Pittsford has a vibrant community, offering many services and events. The school district, PTSA and community organizations work collaboratively to offer students extended services and opportunities beyond school. Visit the Partner page links on the ACE or District PTSA website: