Allen Creek Elementary School

Allen Creek PTSA Co-Chair– Laura Linder
Allen Creek PTSA Co-Chair– Sarah Baker
ACE Pittsford PTSA
Welcome to a new school year, Allen Creek families!​
As we enjoy the last few weeks of summer and start planning for the beginning of this year, please be sure to put the Allen Creek PTSA on your radar. Allen Creek PTSA champions the educati on of every child in the school and provides advocacy, human resources, management, and funding for a variety of programs—those “extras” that make a school feel more like a community than a building. Allen Creek Elementary would not be the cohesive and inclusive school that it is without support from all of us parents and caregivers.
By supporting PTSA through the annual $17 membership fee, we will be able to help fund many of the enriching experiences our kids enjoy at Allen Creek School and invest in different ways to enhance our school. By getting involved in PTSA, you benefit by being more connected and engaged with what is going on at school.
In preparation for the upcoming school year, use the list below to help keep your PTSA-related to-dos in check. Contact us at ace@pittsfordptsa.net with questions and concerns. We’re here to help!
Allen Creek PTSA Co-Chairs – Laura Linder and Sarah Baker
​Please read our Welcome Flyer, that includes the 2024-2025 PTSA Checklist, information about becoming a Room Rep, and how to volunteer with the PTSA!
School Hours
Grades K-5: 8:40am - 3:05pm
Important Phone Numbers
Main Office
Attendance Line
Nurse's Office
Guidance Office
Lunch & Recess
Recess is FIRST, then lunch. Lunch begins about 20 minutes after the start of Recess.
Kg. | Recess at 10:35am
Grade 1 | Recess at 11:00am
Grade 2 | Recess at 11:25am
Grade 3 | Recess at 11:50am
Grade 4 | Recess at 12:15pm
Grade 5 | Recess at 12:40pm